Body Maintenance
At Live Well Health Essentials we’re passionate about doing all we can to enable quality of lifestyle. We do this primarily through the products we bring to market to help with body maintenance. There are two sides to body maintenance proactive health support to assist with injury prevention and reactive health support to help with injury recovery.
Body maintenance is an important aspect of self care. While self care can be defined as any intentional action you take to improve your physical, mental, and emotional health. We realise that some of these things that would fall under this umbrella may temporarily help they can lead to other health problems as at their core if these behaviours are done repeatedly they can make things worse.
What self-care is not is anything that’s an overindulgence likely to cause you long-term issues. That doesn’t mean if you eat cupcakes or drink a bottle of wine, you should feel ashamed, but it’s not really accurate to call it self-care. Some examples of things that make people feel better in the short-term but worse in the long-term are substance use (including drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine, and energy drinks), bingeing on anything (unhealthy food, television, shopping), withdrawing socially, gossiping, and self-injury. These things, and others in this category, have a high likelihood of causing long-term pain or creating problems that will need to be solved later.
With this definition in mind, our focus is on providing support for your body to recovery from being active so you can have a quality of life you want and we provide useful quality products for when you are wanting to enjoy the great outdoors.
To help with your body maintenance, we believe It is a good idea to try and establish some sort of regular body maintenance routine based on what works well for your body. It might be stretching, it might be foam rolling, yoga, Pilates, swimming or running or even a combination of these or other activities. The key to it working successfully is to get professional support through your GP or allied health professional on what will work best for you. Once you’ve established what it is you want and or need to do, follow through with the plan. Inconsistency will not help you achieve your goals.
If you spend extended periods of time sitting down doing this such as work, travelling, binge watching netflix, then your body will begin to adapt to the position it is doing repeatedly. This can cause you to gradually become stiffer in your hips, lower back, ankles and knees.
Think of your body maintenance routine as reversing the effects of sitting down all day.