Sick Bags
Why Do You Need Sick Bags?
Live Well Health Essentials Sick Bags are a convenient way to reduce mess if you or someone you are with starts vomiting. Keeping sick bags in places likely to where they may be needed is ideal to make your life easier.
Places we recommend keeping sick bags are:
- In your car, the side doors front and back plus the glove compartment.
- First Aid kit
- Travel Bag
- Sports Bag
- Office Drawer
Live Well Health Essentials Bellybug Sick Bags come in a 4 pack and we have a bulk buy option.
The Live Well Health Essentials Bellybug 4 pack is great for emergencies and can be placed in a Glove Compartment in the car or the Office Drawer.
If you find you need to have sick bags stored in multiple locations, we recommend taking advantage of our Live Well Health Essentials Bellybug Bulk Buy Option. This is especially popular with sporting teams to keep in their First Aid Kit and with pregnant women suffering Morning Sickness.
What is vomiting?
Many different things can cause vomiting. It usually improves within 48 hours (2 days) and may have completely gone within 3 days. Vomiting can be unpleasant but it is usually not a sign of anything serious. Be careful not to get dehydrated, and see your doctor if it doesn’t go away in a day or 2.
Children tend to vomit more than adults. They usually get over vomiting very quickly. In saying this, if children do not keep fluids down, do not hesitate to contact your doctor for further advice on what to do.
What causes vomiting?
Vomiting may be caused by a viral infection. Food poisoning can also cause vomiting. Drinking too much alcohol. Vomiting can also be caused by an illness or pregnancy.
When should I see my doctor?
Visit your doctor if:
- you have been vomiting for more than 2 days
- you also have a severe headache
- you are dehydrated
- you have not been able to keep down fluids for 12 hours or more
- your vomit is green.
- there is blood in your vomit or what looks like coffee granules
- you have abdominal pain
- you have diabetes, especially if you need to take insulin
How is vomiting treated?
The best thing is to have small sips of water or oral rehydration fluid to prevent dehydration.
You can buy over the counter medications to stop vomiting. Check with your health professional on the best approach and always follow the exact directions accompanying the medication.
Self-help information:
- Eat normally — do not starve yourself. If you are hungry, eat regular meals.
- Rest at home and don’t go to work while you are ill.
- If you have been vomiting, if you are in pain, get advice on medicines you can take.
- Antibiotics are not usually given to treat vomiting.
- Drink plenty of clear fluids (dilute 1 part juice to 4 parts water). Avoid undiluted fruit juice or soft drinks.
- Re-hydration drinks are available over-the-counter from pharmacies and from some supermarkets. These drinks are useful as they provide the correct balance of water, sugar and salt that your body needs for re-hydration. Follow the instructions on the packaging.
- Sports drinks and energy drinks should be avoided as a rehydration fluid option. They have high sugar content that does not assist with rehydration.